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Upon receiving your request we will send you a questionnaire to determine your eligibility


This will be followed by a telephone interview and a site visit. During these we determine your individual training needs and assess your hospital set-up.


In collaboration with you, we will design a training programme for your staff, which may include


    - visits at leading interventional sites


    - one on one hands-on training on high-fidelity              simulators


    - training on stroke models.


We can teach your team on criteria for patient selection using advanced imaging techniques and ASPECTS scoring.


We provide on-site support to help you develop an optimised pathway and run tailored team training for emergency cathlab- and nursing staff to optimise your times to treatment.


When you are ready, we can stay with you for your first patients and can also provide continuous support, feedback + audit of all your interventional cases.

- ETS flyer download (*.pdf)


© ETS 2017

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